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Fresh, seasonal ingredients are a staple in any NEFF kitchen. That’s why the right food storage is so important: all Neff fridges and freezers - whether it’s a large American-style appliance that can cope with the demands of a hungry family, or a built-in model that integrates seamlessly into the kitchen furniture - give you the flexibility to keep your fruit, vegetables and herbs crisp and vibrant for longer.

NEFF fridges and freezers have a range of innovative features including FreshSafe food preservation, helping your ingredients stay fresher for longer. MultiAirFlow distributes temperatures equally throughout the fridge, ensuring every leaf and every yoghurt pot is properly chilled. Additional NEFF features, such as EasyAccess shelf and VarioShelf, take the hassle out of stocking up your appliance. So instead of fiddling with compartments, you can get straight to preparing your next meal.



American Style


Fridge Freezers
